
Archive for the ‘Tools and Gadgets’ Category

Airplane Design Calculator

May 9, 2010 3 comments

On this Tools and Gadgets category, i will focus on showcasing interesting tools and applications (focusing on freeware) that can help you on your hobby.

A great utility to calculate and design your own model aircraft is the Design Calculator. All the calculations are done for you.

Airplane Design Calculator
Airplane Design Calculator

You just input the dimensions and the Calculator does the rest including a calculation to find the centre of gravity on your model! (Requires WinZip to decompress the file). This download requires Microsoft Excel. Try it and let us know what you think!

Download Design here!

iPhone Wind Meter

I have just found this new iPhone application that detects the wind speed using the iPhone microphone. It’s called “*Wind Meter*”. It’s been getting very good reviews and i  thought it might well be a useful tool for us. I gave it a try yesterday and to my surprise it works quite well! According to recorded tests against a real wind meter tool, this iPhone application has an error around 3% at most, which is quite acceptable for radio control usage.

iPhone Wind Meter
iPhone Wind Meter

A complete description and video of the application in use can be found at “Wind Meter” can be obtained at Apple iTunes App Store by searching for “Wind Meter”. This app is designed primarily for 3G/3GS iPhones, but it will also run well on the new iPhone 4G.

The concept for “Wind Meter” came from a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that happen to love wind sports. The idea for converting the decibel reading from the wind “noise” on the mic to a velocity reading almost seemed obvious after-the-fact, and they were a little surprised to be the first to release something like this on the market. After a considerable amount of R&D, Wind Meter is a really fun gadget that actually works. If you have an iPhone, give it a try!